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evil/ergo sum/julian
"#1 Asshole"

Note: this website is optimized for desktopBefore You Follow: i am an adult, i need tone indicators, i am autistic, and i overshare sometimesDo Not Interact: basic dni criteria (racist, bigot, lgbtphobe), do not interact if you are an nsfw account, if you are a proshipper

Special Interests
moshi monsters, serial experiments lain, johnny the homicidal maniac, invader zim, a classroom bereft of angels, yume nikki, hello charlotte, .flow, randy cunningham: 9th grade ninja, elfen lied, lucky☆star, monster high, five nights at freddy's, transformers, twisted wonderland, hazbin hotel


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Comfort Characters
julian. evil julian, konata izumi, howard weinerman, randy cunningham, rachel, kagami hiiragi, miyuki takara, kaede/lucy (nyu), scamp the froggie doggie, hocus the wonky wizard, kissy the baby ghost, starscream, arcee, bumblebee, knock out, breakdown, furbies, rook blonko, ben tennyson, kevin levin, albedo, sir pentious, charlie morningstar, lucifer morningstar, alastor, emily


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About Me
i like cartoons and comics. i am evil and silly! i use synthesizer v, utau, and vocaloid. sometimes i sing but not a lot. i love webcore and old internet stuff it's a huge interest for me as well as lost media.